Saturday, December 3, 2011


Dear collagues,

here you can find the citation from syllabus for Proposition paper
"Paper: A short paper is required in this class. It should be around 3-4 pages in length, typed and double spaced, and counts as 10% of your total grade. For this paper you will be answering the following question: What socially constructs our reality? (Family, Media, Culture, Gender, etc). You need to determine what kinds of influences make us what and who we are and support your answer using your own experience and the texts that will be provided to you in class. Online material can be found on LIBRI for your convenience. For the sake of sharing experiences and learning from others this paper should be presented to the whole class. Power point presentation is also expected to be used by each student as it will be evaluated."

Take care !


  1. Dear Venhar

    Thank you for posting this but we have to talk in class about this, to understand about what we are going to do in this position paper.

    all the best,

  2. Yeah Zeki,

    but this copy i post here because is good to know as fact.

    all the best for you

  3. Venhar, thank you for your post. But, please check libri for the most updated info. The topic is changed.

  4. Dear Luiza,

    I have checked libri but I haven't seen that the topic is changed.
    Can you give us more information about topic?

